BlackBerry owners who tried to turn on their smartphones in the last couple of days failed to do so. The company followed through its announcement from 2020, where it stated it would shut down all services for BlackBerry OS, making the phones obsolete.
The King of Smartphones Before Apple
BlackBerry could have a bright future. In the days before Apple, BlackBerry redefined how people used mobile devices. Its products offered the ultimate keyboard and powerful features for messaging and connectivity.
Unfortunately, BlackBerry failed to follow up. As Apple slowly took over, offering its first iPhone and Android platforms came to life, BlackBerry was left behind, lacking the updated software.
In 2016, the company attempted to follow in the footsteps of Android and Apple. BlackBerry signed a contract with TLC, hoping to manufacture smartphones under the BlackBerry name. Unfortunately, this partnership ended in 2020.
According to the latest announcement, all BBOS services will no longer function. In addition, BlackBerry smartphones will also lose the ability to receive provisioning updates. This will cause data loss, stop phone call features, and even 911 functionality.
In addition, applications will also have limited capabilities. Unfortunately, BlackBerry owners can no longer use their devices for anything. BlackBerries are now just relics of the past.