The tech revolution is well on its way, and humans can’t seem to get enough of it. The following tech addiction statistics show just how pervasive addiction to modern tech really is.
While most addictive behaviors relate to the internet and social media use, studies indicate that Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, and IoT are up-and-coming contenders for dependent integration into people’s lives.
Essential Technology Dependence Statistics (Editor’s Choice)
- About 15% of homes worldwide will have a smart device installed by 2023.
- There were 4.66 billion active internet users in January 2021.
- Approximately 10% of people’s internet use interferes with their professional or private life.
- From 2000 to 2020, internet use increased by 1,266%.
- For 92% of Americans, smartphone addiction is real.
- About 34% of young adults feel fear when not connected to social media.
- About 15% of people aged 23 to 38 admit to being addicted to social media.
- When it comes to demographics, 50% of teenage girls are near-constant internet users.
Technology Industry Trends
The technology revolution is different from any other massive transition in human history, due to its fast development. Technology makes things easier in our lives, and as such, also makes it easier to advance forward in technological trends.
1. The US is the largest tech market globally, with a 33% share.
Source: Comptia
According to the latest reports, the US represents the largest IT market globally. With 33% of the market share, or $1.6 trillion, the US tech sector accounts for a massive portion of economic activity. Moreover, the US technology industry market size surpasses many other staple industries, such as retail and construction.
2. The augmented and virtual reality industry will grow by $162.71 billion from 2021 to 2025.
Source: PR Newswire
AR and VR sectors are predicted to see growth over the next four years. According to the forecasts, this industry will grow by $162.71 billion by 2025, with a 46% CAGR. The essential forces that will lead to this growth are the bargaining power of suppliers and buyers, the threat of rivalry, and overall market conditions, technology industry growth reports show.
3. Global spending on technology has reached $3212 billion.
Source: Zippy Electrics
At the moment, global technology spending has reached $3212 billion worldwide. This includes spending from both households and businesses on gadgets and tech such as phones, tablets, computers, and similar.
4. About 15% of homes worldwide will have a smart device installed by 2023.
Source: Hippo
Some smart devices are already present on the market, and 46% of homeowners are discovering the convenience of using smart technology. The technology industry growth rate shows that by 2023, 15% of homes globally will have a smart device.
5. Forecasts show that IoT spending will reach $1.1 trillion by 2023.
Source: Statista
The Internet of Things is the technology that will bring smart technology and automation to businesses and households. By 2023, IoT spending is estimated to reach $1.1 trillion. IoT will allow people to enjoy the benefits of connectivity in their houses, cars, and even cities.
6. The global AI market is predicted to reach $190.61 billion by 2025.
Source: Semrush
Technology industry analysis shows that the global AI market will likely reach $190.61 billion by 2025. Notably, the wearable AI market size will reach $180 billion due to the introduction of devices such as health monitoring technology.
7. Approximately 127 new devices connect to the internet per second.
Source: Vxchnge
There are 127 new devices connected to the internet every second. People will soon be able to connect almost anything they own to the internet, not just their phones. All these connected devices will also contribute to the growth of IoT and our dependence on technology.
Tech Addiction Facts: Various Types of Addiction
There are many types of tech addiction, but addiction to the internet is among the worst. With a reported 6% of people worldwide suffering from this problem and more and more reasons to log on, it seems it can only grow.
8. There were 4.66 billion active internet users in January 2021.
Sources: Statista; Sagepub
In January 2021, 59.5% of the population were active internet users, accounting for 4.66 billion people globally. China has the most internet users, with 854 million people online, and about 13% of Chinese adolescents display internet gaming disorder, according to statistics on technology use.
9. Experts have recognized five types of internet addiction so far.
Source: Addiction Center
There are five types of online addiction: addiction to cybersex/pornography, net compulsions, cyber relationship addiction, compulsive information seeking, and computer or gaming addiction.
10. About 85% of all Americans are online every day.
Source: Pew Research
In general, 85% of Americans claim they’re on the internet every day. Based on tech addiction statistics, this percentage includes 31% who report being online constantly and 48% who claim they go online several times per day. Only 6% of Americans say they’re online once each day, and 7% claim they don’t use the internet at all.
11. Approximately 10% of people’s internet use interferes with their professional or private life.
Source: Sandstone Care; NCBI
In about 10% of people, internet use interferes with their personal or professional life. Like any other addiction, internet addiction interferes with mood, impulse control, social life, sense of worth, and so much more, statistics on the dependence on technology show.
12. The global prevalence of internet addiction is estimated at 6%.
Source: The Recovery Village
According to the latest available data, the global prevalence of internet addiction is estimated to be about 6% or 278 million people. There is a significant variation among countries with the US, UK, and Canada reporting some of the highest rates.
13. From 2000 to 2020, internet use increased by 1,266%, and online shopping addiction reached 5%.
Source: Broadbands Sarch; The Recovery Village
According to technology dependence statistics, global internet use has grown by 1,266% in the last 20 years. Still, it was during 2020 that the internet became essential for both businesses and private users. Notably, ecommerce is one of the fastest growing and most lucrative additions to the internet. So much so that online shopping addiction ranges from 5%-8% prevalence.
14. Asia makes up 51.8% of the global internet population, and internet addiction is the highest in the Philippines.
Source: Broadband Search; Researchgate
Internet addiction statistics for 2021 show Asia is leading with 51.8% of the global internet population. That’s about 2.6 billion people using the internet in Asia. Additionally, internet addiction is the highest in the Philippines, scoring 5% on the Internet Addiction Test and 21% on Revised Chen Internet Addiction Scale.
15. A total of 35% of internet addicts constantly use chat applications.
Source: CompareCamp
According to statistics on technology usage, chat applications are the most commonly used apps of internet addicts, with 35% of them exhibiting this behavior. Another 34% check status updates before going to bed, and 27% open the chat app while in the bathroom.
16. People sent 306 billion emails per day in 2021, and 77% of them look at emails when they’re bored.
Source: Broadband Search; Zetta Sphere
People aren’t only addicted to social media platforms. Internet users also sent 306 billion emails per day in 2021. When it comes to addiction, 77% of people check their emails when they’re bored, and 70% check them right before bed.
Smartphone Addiction Statistics
Smartphones are among the best technological devices of today’s age, it’s hard not to be addicted to them. Offering endless activities for personal and professional tasks, gaming, research, videos, social interaction, and more, smartphones seem to be the best and worst thing that ever happened to mankind.
17. Americans spend about three hours and 43 minutes on their phones per day on average.
Source: Elite Content Marketer
When it comes to average screen time for adults, Americans usually spend about three hours and 43 minutes looking at their phone. That’s about 50 days each year. The data also points out that the average smartphone user spends more time on their phone during weekdays than on weekends.
18. It’s estimated that about 5 billion people have a mobile device.
Source: Pew Research
There are over 7 billion people on the planet, and about 5 have a mobile device. Over half of these people own a smartphone, and more plan to own one soon, according to smartphone ownership statistics.
19. A mobile device is more important than sex for one in three phone owners.
Source: CompareCamp
People have become so invested in mobile devices that one in three would rather look at the screen than have sex with their significant other. Additionally, about 20% of smartphone users aged 18 to 34 can’t help but check their phones during sex.
20. Smartphones also get in the way of romantic relationships for 12% of phone owners.
Source: Pew Research
Smartphones are so embedded in people’s lives that 12% of phone owners think these devices are in the way of their relationship. Phone addiction statistics show that 51% also claim that their partner is usually distracted by the phone.
21. For 92% of Americans, smartphone addiction is real.
Source: Bagby Reviews
Even though it’s not yet defined in medical books, 92% of Americans believe smartphone addiction is a real occurrence. Notably, about 75.4% of adults consider themselves addicted to mobile phones, and 87.8% feel uneasy leaving their phones at home.
Screen Addiction Facts: Social Media, Games, and TV
Screens are seemingly everywhere now, and so are screen addicts. From constantly checking social updates, to gaming for hours, and bingeing your favorite TV show, it’s hard to get away from it.
22. Over 210 million people globally suffer from social media addiction.
Source: Truelist
As more options appear online, more people are becoming addicted to the internet. For example, social media is so addictive that more than 210 million people around the world suffer from it, and social media obsession statistics predict the number will continue to grow.
23. Almost 90% of people aged 18 to 29 use social media in any form, and up to 10% are addicted.
Sources: Truelist; Healthline
Almost 90% of people aged 18 to 29 are social media users, and people aged 30 to 49 have a slightly smaller share with 79%. Still, up to 10% of people in the US are addicted to social networks.
24. The latest tech addiction demographics show that about 15% of people aged 23 to 38 admit to being addicted to social media.
Source: Truelist
Social media addiction is vastly present in people aged 23 to 38. About 15% of this population claim to be addicted to social media. The percentage is highest among people aged 18 to 22, with 40% of them reporting they’re somewhat addicted, technology addiction statistics show.
25. Over two billion people play games worldwide.
Source: The Recovery Village
A vast number of people globally play video games. There are over 2 billion gamers, out of which 150 million are in the US. According to the data, gaming is addictive for 1% to 10% of players since the hyperarousal causes the release of dopamine, similar to social media use.
26. The most addictive video games are online multiplayer and role-playing games.
Source: The Recovery Village
Video gaming addiction statistics show that the most addictive video games are in the multiplayer and role-playing genre. These games are addictive because players can interact with others in the game environment. With RPG games, players can experience another life that they might want to live but can’t.
27. Smartphone owners tend to touch their phones 2,617 times each day.
Source: WishTV
Most people believe they use their phones way less than they actually do. The number of times smartphone users touch their phone each day is over 2,000 times, according to screen addiction statistics.
28. About 73% of people binge watch TV shows.
According to recent Netflix research, about 73% of people reported positive feelings while binge watching. Binge watching refers to streaming between two to six episodes.
This form of addiction has three common negative effects on human health: creates more dopamine and increases addiction, isolates the person, and interferes with sleep, technology addiction facts show.
Teens and Technology Addiction
Children are more prone to becoming addicted to technology and social media. In general, more than 95% of them have a smartphone, and they appear to be near-constant internet users.
29. About 34% of young adults feel fear of missing out when not connected to social media.
Source: Truelist
The fear of missing out, or FOMO, is present in about 34% of young adults. FOMO can cause a deep sense of envy, anxiety and negatively affect self-esteem, social media addiction statistics show.
30. A total of 95% of teens have access to a smartphone.
Source: Pew Research
The latest available data shows that a total of 95% of teens own a smartphone or have access to one. Even more so, 45% of teens claim they’re online almost constantly, and the same percentage believes that social media has no negative effect on their life, teenage internet addiction statistics point out.
31. For 34% of US teens, Snapchat was the most important social network, but it’s considered the worst for mental health.
Source: Statista; Solsticertc
Snapchat was the most important social network for 34% of US teens in 2020. Addiction to Snapchat has been linked to serious mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and loneliness, likely because this platform is based on personal image.
32. When it comes to demographics, 50% of teenage girls are near-constant internet users.
Source: Pew Research
According to technology and children statistics, there are some differences in how teens use social media based on gender. For example, approximately 50% of teenage girls are constantly online, compared to 39% of boys.
33. Overall, 90% of teens say they play some kind of video game, and 12% of boys are addicted.
Source: Pew Research; Newport Academy
Besides the internet, teens also love playing video games. In general, 90% of them claim that they play video games, and 12% of boys and 7% of girls are addicted to gaming. Based on the current data, this number will likely grow in the future as the gaming industry develops.
Tech addiction statistics show that technology will remain an integral part of daily life. A huge number of people globally have access to smartphones, but those aren’t the only devices that people are growing to love.
Other smart devices that can connect inside the home will also become important as IoT technology develops. AR and VR tech will likely become available to everyone as well, but without proper education and awareness, these tech developments could easily turn into tech addictions.
Since technology is all around, many people suffer from tech addiction. Globally, the prevalence of internet addiction is estimated at 6%, the average smartphone owner touches their phone over 2,000 times each day, and teens and young adults are addicted to social media.
A notable 15% of people aged 23 to 38 admit to being addicted to the internet.
Teens are especially susceptible to everything that’s going on online. About 95% of teens have access to mobile phones, and 45% claim to be online at all times.
Overall, girls are using the internet more than boys, with 50% of them being online constantly and 90% of teens are playing some sort of video game.
Adults are somewhat addicted to their mobile phones, at least that’s what 75.4% of them admit. A notable 65.6% check their phones up to 160 times daily, and 87.8% of adults feel uneasy leaving their phones at home.
Adults are also prone to checking their social media while driving, sleeping with their phones, and hanging online while working. Some even spend more time with their phones than with their children.
Internet use restructures the rewards system in the human brain. According to several studies, compulsive internet use is very similar to the effect of certain drugs on the brain. Compulsive use brings more rewards, and eventually, the person spends too much time online, ignoring other activities.
When it comes to the withdrawal symptoms, it’s also similar to the withdrawal symptoms of several drugs. Upon stopping internet use, compulsive internet users may suffer from agitation, depression, anxiety, and mood swings.
The global prevalence of internet addiction is estimated to be 6%. Most Americans believe that smartphone addiction is real, and many can’t leave their phones alone. So much so that some phone owners touch their devices over 2,000 times per day.
Social media addiction is present in about 15% of people aged 23 to 38. Overall, both adults and teens struggle to leave their phones, and they admit feeling anxious when they don’t have their devices around.
When people use the internet, their activity is often rewarded by a like or a new online friendship, which causes the brain to release dopamine. Eventually, people need more dopamine released, which requires them to increase the use of social media.
Another reason technology addiction is problematic is that tech is all around, and people can hardly avoid it. It’s becoming a central component of the way we work, play, live, and interact with society, making it almost impossible to stop using.
Ever since the internet and smartphones arrived in people’s lives, more and more individuals admit struggling with technology addiction. It’s not just the phone itself that’s addictive. Social media and online games play a huge role in tech addiction.
This is especially common among the younger generations, reporting the need to constantly be online, fearing they might miss out on things. The addiction also causes changes in the brain, where the expectation is followed by a reward and releases dopamine and other feel-good chemicals, according to tech addiction statistics.
- Addiction Center
- Bagby
- BroadbandSearch
- CompareCamp
- CompareCamp
- Comptia
- Elite Content Marketer
- Healthline
- Hippo
- Newport Academy
- Pew Research
- Pew Research
- Pew Research
- Pew Research
- PR Newswire
- Researchgate
- Reviews
- Sagepub
- Sandstone Care
- Semrush
- Solsticertc
- Statista
- Statista
- Statista
- Statista
- The Recovery Village
- The Recovery Village
- The Recovery Village
- Truelist
- Vxchnge
- WishTV
- Zippy Electrics