22 Interesting Siri Statistics to Make You Think

The voice search industry is growing, and Siri statistics show that this voice assistant is here to stay. Siri counts millions of users and is ideal for basic tasks like reading your messages and telling you the weather.

Siri was first launched in 2011 and used natural language processing and speech recognition technology to learn. Today, it knows 20 times more data than just a few years ago, and time will tell how far it will go.

Essential Siri Stats (Editor’s Choice)

  • Siri still can’t manage about 150 tasks.
  • At the moment, Siri has about 660 million users.
  • Siri knows 20 times more facts than it did a few years ago.
  • A total of 60% of people aged 18 to 24 use Siri.
  • Google Assistant supports 30 languages, while Siri supports 17.
  • About 71% of consumers prefer voice search over typing.
  • There were 4.2 billion digital voice assistants in 2020.
  • In 2016 and 2017, Siri lost a total of 15% of users, according to Siri facts.

General Voice Search Info

Voice search will soon become a preferred method of looking for things online. According to predictions, there will be more than 8 billion voice assistants in use by 2024.

1. A total of 30% of all browsing sessions will soon be done via voice.

(Source: DBS)

Soon enough, voice will be used in about 30% of all browsing sessions. It’ll change how people look for and receive information.

2. Approximately 122.7 million Americans will use voice search features by the end of 2021.

(Source: Hypervox)

By the end of 2020, chances are all US households will have at least one smart speaker. Voice search trends also show that by 2021, 122.7 million Americans will use voice search. That’s 40% of all internet users in the US.

3. About 71% of consumers prefer voice search over typing.

(Source: Oberlo)

At the moment, 71% of consumers prefer voice search over typing. However, the voice search features still remain limited to more basic functions.

4. Overall, 55% of teens use voice search daily.

(Source: Marketing Dive)

When it comes to teens, voice assistant statistics show 55% of them use voice search each day. Based on the study of people aged 13 and older, both these groups talk to their phones while watching TV and use voice search to find the remote control.

5. There were 4.2 billion digital voice assistants in 2020.

(Source: Statista)

Globally, there were 4.2 billion voice assistants in use in 2020. According to forecasts, by 2024, this number will reach 8.4 billion units – a number higher than the total population.

Smart Speaker Statistics

Smart speakers are becoming an important part of people’s lives. By 2024, global sales will reach $30 billion as millions of people will purchase the devices.

6. There are 3.25 billion people who use voice-activated assistants around the world.

(Source: Business 2 Community)

Globally, 3.25 billion people use some sort of voice-enabled assistant. Additionally, half of all searches will be voice-based in 2021 and has the chance of remaining the preferred method of browsing.

7. Nearly 90 million US adults use smart speakers.

(Source: Voicebot)

The US voice search statistics show that about 90 million adult Americans use smart speakers. This number is up 32% from 2019 and 85% from 2018. Which means that in 2020, about one-third of the population had installed smart speakers.

8. More than half of all smart speaker owners use the devices at least once a day.

(Source: Oberlo)

When it comes to daily use, more than half of the smart speaker owners are using their devices daily, according to voice search statistics. Over one-third use it for voice searches, and about 11.8% (34.7 million) use them for shopping.

9. Global smart speaker sales will surpass $30 billion by 2024.

(Source: Invoca)

Smart speakers are growing in popularity as more people find out how useful they can be. In 2020, the global sale reached its maximum, with 150 million units. By 2024, the predictions state that global sales will surpass $30 billion.

Siri Competitors

Siri is one of many voice search technologies available today. There’s also Alexa and Google. This is how Siri compares.

10. Google Assistant and Apple Siri are the most commonly used voice assistants in the US.

(Source: Oberlo)

A total of 72% of consumers are using Siri, Google, Alexa, and Cortana. However, Siri and Google Assistant remain the most popular ones, with 36% of consumers reporting using each of these two, according to Siri search statistics.

11. Google Assistant supports 30 languages, while Siri supports 17.

(Source: Lifewire)

Google Assistant beats Siri in some aspects. For example, it supports a total of 30 languages, while Siri supports only 17. Additionally, Google Assistant acts as a real organizer and helper, while Siri is great for some basic guidance. 

12. Siri has the biggest voice assistant with a relative market share of 45.1%.

(Source: Voicebot)

Even though it’s not the best voice assistant out there, Siri still has 45.1% of the relative market share in the US. When it comes to Siri vs Bixby, Bixby has the smallest market share of just 6.7%. Google Assistant has 29.9%, and Alexa has 18.3%.

13. A total of 41% of people aged 65 and older prefer Alexa.

(Source: eMarketer)

It seems that some age groups are more inclined to use one voice assistant than another. For example, Alexa is the most popular among people aged 65 and older, with 41% of them loving the tool. A total of 60% of Americans aged 18 to 24 prefer Siri. Besides this comparison between Siri vs Alexa, Google Assistant doesn’t lead in any age group.

14. Over 50,000 smart home devices can work with Google Assistant.

(Source: Google)

At the moment, Google Assistant works well with about 50,000 devices from more than 10,000 various brands. However, Google is more suitable for Android users.

On the other hand, Siri works on iOS devices and Beats models. When it comes to Siri vs Google Assistant, Siri can also be challenging to set so that it listens on one device only.

15. Google Assistant also knows 42 languages.

(Source: The Verge)

Besides supporting 30 languages for searches, Google can also respond and read web pages in 42 languages. The article reading feature is available globally, and users can set up a reading cadence to slow or fast. Siri can also read a webpage, but not in as many languages.

Siri Facts 

At the moment, Siri has more than 600 million users, even though only 2% of iPhone owners use it. This voice assistant has decent accuracy and is utilizing AI to learn new information quickly.

16. Siri still can’t manage about 150 tasks.

(Source: Las Vegas Review-Journal)

The fact remains that Siri is one of the best voice assistants out there for Apple users. However, it still can’t manage some basic tasks that other voice assistants can. Facts about Siri show that it can’t do over 150 things, like update apps, delete a song, set up camera’s resolution, and similar.

17. At the moment, Siri has about 660 million users.

(Source: Business of Apps)

In 2020, there were 660 million people using Siri. For comparison, in 2015, Siri had only 265 million users. However, Apple never stated whether this number includes active users or active devices, so there’s no exact data on how many people use Siri.

18. In 2016 and 2017, Siri lost a total of 15% of its users.

(Source: 9to5mac)

Even though Siri is among the most popular voice assistants, it wasn’t always the case. Starting from May 2016 to May 2017, Siri lost about 15% of monthly users. That’s about 7.3 million people who stopped using the feature. 

19. Siri has a 47.29% score of correctness when answering simple questions.

(Source: Azcentral)

Those who use voice assistants care about the accuracy of the answers. According to Siri statistics, it had a 47.29% accuracy score when answering simple questions. The score for answering complex questions was 41.32%.

20. Still, Siri had an 87% overall accuracy score in 2020.

(Source: Business of Apps)

When it comes to the overall accuracy score, Siri is currently at about 87%. It’s improving each year, and slowly catching up with Google and Alexa.

21. A total of 98% of iPhone owners tried Siri but still don’t use it.

(Source: Business Insider; Voicebot)

Siri stats show that a staggering 98% of iPhone owners don’t use Siri. It seems that most users are willing to only try it out once or twice and then go back to the regular search and browsing. Those who do use Siri do so about twice a day.

22. Siri also knows 20 times more facts than it did a few years ago.

(Source: Voicebot)

Still, Siri is growing together with the voice assistant industry. Today, this AI knows 20 times more facts than it did just a few years ago, with more sources for information-based questions.


According to these Siri statistics, this voice assistant is preferred among iPhone users and younger generations. While it still can’t handle about 150 tasks, Siri is growing each year and expanding its features to provide the best possible experience.

However, Google remains at the top, with many language features and an option to connect to more than 50,000 other devices.

Still, if you’re an iPhone user, Siri will do the basic work just fine.


Siri is a useful voice assistant, and the most common answers it can provide are related to the weather data. Still, people can also use it to read text messages, dictate emails, ask what time it is, create a note, and more.

Other top uses of Siri include doing a business search, setting a location-based timer or reminder, posting to social media, finding out more about stocks, sports, and other news, and even booking a restaurant reservation. Siri is also great at providing simple answers and has decent accuracy.

Siri is evolving and changing its accuracy percentage every year. According to Loup Ventures, a platform that runs yearly accuracy tests, Siri is catching up with Google and Alexa. In 2017, Siri’s accuracy was about 66%.

As years went by, Siri scored better. In 2018, it had 78%, in 2019, 83%, and in 2020, 87%. Still, Google seems to be the best of the three, while Alexa ranks below Siri based on a couple of recent tests.

While Siri is a great voice assistant, there are some things it still can’t do. These tasks are grouped based on the kind of task it’s supposed to do. For example, when it comes to apps, it can’t force quit, update, or close them.

It also can’t like the last song you played, remove a song from a playlist, or play it on multiple speakers. Additionally, it can’t take a photo, record a video, or change camera resolution. These are all the basic tasks many other voice assistants can manage.

Siri is actually more than just a bot that answers questions. This handy tool is a real-life application of artificial intelligence. Siri relies on natural language processing and machine learning in order to effectively operate and learn as more users have it.

Simply put, with natural language processing, Siri can read and understand human content, and in some ways, it can reproduce it. With machine learning, Siri has access to data it can learn from. This is why people don’t have to show it what it should think. According to Siri statistics, its knowledge is also increasing.